I'm putting together a Visio that when selecting a row in a table it sets a session variable containing the event time, which I'm setting to the booking manager navigation session variable on the same Visio, so the timeline jumps to the same time, so existing bookings can be show, the issue I'm having is my date/time is in the UK format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss, and the shape that shows what the current setting is (with the Control=DateTime against it) displays in UK time, but it looks like it only supports US date/time of mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.
Is there something that can be done at the Visio layer, or do I need to reformat the data to a separate column just to drive this?

Hi Alberto,
All good thanks, I hope the new job is going well.
I’ve tried playing the the region settings, but I think the DateTime Control is fixed, see https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Visio/session_variables/Adding_options_to_a_session_variable_control.html#creating-a-datetime-control
Hi Phil, hope you’re fine
Are all the clients/server on the same regional settings?
Not sure if this relates to what you have in your environment, but some regional date settings might be kicking in (depending on either the server settings or the client settings): native time stamps can be overwritten at the client side for the console:
Subscribing to see if any answer comes up with anything similar for VISIO too.
In any case, if all the systems are on the same regional settings, I wouldn’t expect any US time format anywhere.