Hi there!
If the user forget the password and can not login to the DMA. Is there a method to reset the login password by himself? Or he have to request for changing to the Administrator?
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 11th July 2023
Hi Zheng. If another administrator still has access to the system, the easiest way to reset the password will be to ask that administrator to change it to something new. As far as I know the user cannot reset the password himself.
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 11th July 2023

Correct. And if you do need a way for users to reset the password, you should look at using an external identity provider using SAML, like Azure Active Directory or Okta. There you have more options and there you can activate things like MFA and self-service password reset.