I've created a protocol to do some tests and added some alarm properties to the Alarm tag of a parameter.
<Alarm options="propertyNames:Property 1,Property 2;properties:|1005|2002">
As these were just a test, how can I remove these properties from the Alarm Console? I've already deleted the protocol.
Removing those properties that were added by the Alarm options in the protocol.xml cannot be done from the Cube UI.
There is a possibility by using the Client Test Tool (see SLTaskBarUtility on the DMA itself, Launch->Tools->Client Test) but it's not very easy.
- Make a connection with this tool to your DMA
- On the bottom tab, go to Build Message
- Select as Message Type: GetInfoMessage
- Select as Type: PropertyConfiguration
- Then click on the button "Send Message"
- Select the message "xxx Property Definitions" and then on the right hand side you should be able to see the properties, if these are expanded you can scroll through it until you find the property that you want to delete in the format of "id: propertyName (Alarm)", e.g. "209: CustomTest (Alarm)". Write down the number it starts with, important also that the description ends with "(Alarm)" to know that the correct property is found, as you can also have other property types with the same name like view properties etc.
- Go back to the bottom tab, Build Message
- Select as Message Type: DeletePropertyConfigMessage
- Fill in as ID the number that was found in the previous message that needed to be written down (e.g. 209). Fill in as Name the name of the property to be removed (e.g. CustomTest). Leave OwnerType to Undefined.
- Click on the button "Send Message"
- When verifying now the alarm properties (reopen a new alarm properties window) it should be removed.
DISCLAIMER: Using the Client Test Tool is a very powerful tool that can completely mess up a DataMiner System. Please be very careful when executing this. Do not hesitate to contact TechSupport to ask for help or when doubting about something.

Thank you for confirming that the problem is solved
Hi Maximiliano,
See Deleting a custom alarm property in the documentation.

I think that this will not work. That solution is for properties that were manually added in the Cube UI, which appear in the “custom” tab where such properties can be added and deleted. Properties that were added through the Alarm options in a protocol.xml will appear in the “general” tab of the alarm properties where it’s not possible to select such a property and delete it through the UI

That’s correct Laurens, is there any other way to delete these properties? Thanks
worked perfectly! Thank you Laurens.