I have set up three DMAs to test Swarm.
I cancelled the installation because I made a wrong selection at the time of installation, but it is still in CloudAdmin.
Is there any way to remove this "DMA-S" ?
I followed Managing the nodes of a DMS connected to dataminer.services | DataMiner Docs but it continues to appear.
Also, the display of the respective Agents does not appear to be in the correct situation.
Each Agent's Overview display is different, is there something wrong with it?
These three DMAs are part of the same cluster.
Thanks in advance.
I believe the main issue here is that you might be confusing two concepts, the node (=DMA in your case) and the DMS.
From the naming that I can see in your screenshot, it appears as though you have multiple DMA's that you want to be part of one cloud connected cluster, however you have multiple DMS's each named after one DMA. Thids leads me to believe that you tried to go cloud connected on all agents, resulting in multiple cloud connected clusters being created.
Normally when you connect one agent in the cluster, this information gets synced to all other agents over NATS and they all become cloud connected. Because you did this multiple times, you created multiple cloud connected DMS's under that organization and the old ones kept being overwritten by new identities.
Concerning the overviews, I believe you are confusing the 'Overview' pages under 'DataMiner Systems' with 'agent overviews' - there is no such thing in the admin app. What you are looking at is the overview of the DMS, which contains information about the nodes (agents). As such, the overviews of the DMS's you created with overwritten identities mentioned earlier look broken.
The guide you followed is about removing a node, which is equivalent to removing an agent from a cloud connected cluster.
In order to remove the DMS's that you no longer want (the ones you circled in red), you can remove these on the home app if you have the permissions under the '...' on the top-right of the DMS you wish to remove.
Kind regards,