I have set up three DMAs to test Swarm.
I cancelled the installation because I made a wrong selection at the time of installation, but it is still in CloudAdmin.
Is there any way to remove this "DMA-S" ?
I followed Managing the nodes of a DMS connected to dataminer.services | DataMiner Docs but it continues to appear.
Also, the display of the respective Agents does not appear to be in the correct situation.
Each Agent's Overview display is different, is there something wrong with it?
These three DMAs are part of the same cluster.
Thanks in advance.
Important thing to know is that the "Remove Node" button only removes it in the cloud. The way these nodes are added is by the Orchestrator DxM on the machine that communicates with dataminer.services and lets us know that the node exists. So as long as this node is running with that DxM and the same identity, it will always come back.
Now, how can you solve this safely:
- Remove all files from the C:\ProgramData\Skyline Communications\DataMiner CloudGateway\Data\CcaGatewayPersisted folder on the node you want to remove. This will take away the identity without removing it for the cluster that still exists.
- Remove the "NodeId.txt" from C:\ProgramData\Skyline Communications\DxMs Shared\Data.
- Now uninstall or stop the DataMiner CloudGateway DxM and the DataMiner Orchestrator DxM.
- You can now safely remove the node on the Admin app like you did before and it will not come back anymore.
I hope this helps.

Thank you Baptiste, I confirm this was helpful.