On creating of an element on a cluster system (with 10 DMA's) we got the error message:
SLElement.exe|6972|Validate DVE name|ERR|0|Duplicate element name NI-02-23-XLNK.MAV-PL-100050-T0012-LF in use by element id 302 on DMA 58311 But the element with id 302 is deleted a long time ago. Also there is no element with name NI-02-23-XLNK.MAV-PL-100050-T0012-LF anymore. Workaround = create this element with another name, but the customer does not want that. So we need to be able to delete the element with name NI-02-23-XLNK.MAV-PL-100050-T0012-LF, which is probably already cleared, but due to some synchronisation errors, is still present in 1 or more of the framework tables.
In SLNET1.txt on the main DMA-1 I found an interesting error line which might indicate that table:
2023-01-02 13:22:43.210|92|Facade.HandleMessage|Incoming (SLDMS.exe): -> Agents ( (dest DMS): 0/95/0 Array(2)[1;NI-02-23-XLNK.MAV-PL-100050-T0012-LF_2] <null>
Could it be that the element is actually hidden and not deleted?
Hidden elements | DataMiner Docs
If for some reason, the element went into a rogue state, you could try using the client tool (SLNetClientTest tool | DataMiner Docs) to perform a more invasive deletion.
If none of the above works, the next step would be to perform a manual deletion from the DataMiner System records (element records in application and database tiers). This step, however, requires advanced knowledge of the software and may bring some difficulties, as it is not a straightforward procedure.
Thank you,

Seems like a good candidate, but please sync with the support Skyline team first, if possible. Thanks
I do not think the element is hidden, because we do not use that + it should be enumerated in Newtec Dialog Elements with true in the “Hidden”state column.
So we have to try to remove it using the Client Test Tool. Can you please give a hint in which menu we have to do that ?
Is it in Advanced – Clear From – Views.xml – Clear by Removed Element (described in https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Reference/DataMiner_Tools/SLNetClientTest_tool/SLNetClientTest_tool_advanced_procedures/SLNetClientTest_removing_references.html) ?