On creating of an element on a cluster system (with 10 DMA's) we got the error message:
SLElement.exe|6972|Validate DVE name|ERR|0|Duplicate element name NI-02-23-XLNK.MAV-PL-100050-T0012-LF in use by element id 302 on DMA 58311 But the element with id 302 is deleted a long time ago. Also there is no element with name NI-02-23-XLNK.MAV-PL-100050-T0012-LF anymore. Workaround = create this element with another name, but the customer does not want that. So we need to be able to delete the element with name NI-02-23-XLNK.MAV-PL-100050-T0012-LF, which is probably already cleared, but due to some synchronisation errors, is still present in 1 or more of the framework tables.
In SLNET1.txt on the main DMA-1 I found an interesting error line which might indicate that table:
2023-01-02 13:22:43.210|92|Facade.HandleMessage|Incoming (SLDMS.exe): -> Agents ( (dest DMS): 0/95/0 Array(2)[1;NI-02-23-XLNK.MAV-PL-100050-T0012-LF_2] <null>
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 7th July 2023
We have removed the row with the old iEid = 302 in the MySQL database, restarted the element, but no luck yet
Cristel Van Landeghem [DevOps Member] Answered question 26th January 2023