Hi Everyone
I have few question for you regarding the Relation and the DVEs, at the moment I have this situation:
I have a X20 with few cards demodulator, and each card have between 4 or 32 demodulator.
Now I want to create a DVE for each demodulator, I have correclty create the function, I can also create correctly the DVE and link it to the X20 element, but I can't create a link between a DVE and a demodulator listed in the table of the X20.
In the driver I create the FK relation
<Relation name="S2X Demodulator-Resource" path="8900;7000"/>
<ColumnOption idx="27" pid="7028" type="retrieved" options=";foreignKey=8900"/>
But when I try to insert the referance of the DVE, the column of the DVE will not update. it this a problem change I do to the driver?
Hi Marco,
It should also be possible to directly use table "S2X Input Demodulators" (PID 7000) as entry point in the function file. (Refer to Docs)
<Function id="f65cb9e6-5b46-44ab-8192-ea5d205f2922" name="AppearTV X20 Demodulating" maxInstances="65535" profile="..." parent="...">
<EntryPoint pid="7000" type="undefined" />
The reason being that the Demodulators table is already populated and you can create a resource per table row directly by means of an entry point.
Then there is no need to use Table 8900 (Custom) to create resources up front and link them through a foreign Key to table 7000.

@Robin. It’s basically to be future proof. Later we’ll dynamically create demodulators when we need them. So it’s for late resource binding.
Hi Marco,
At a first glance the relation seems to be correct. I assume table 8900 is the entry table for the demodulator function? Did you include the FK Column(7028) and the PrimaryKey of table 8900 in to the function?
Hi Wannes, thanks for you suggestion.
Yes the param 8900 is the entry point table on the function file, as it is the table of the resource related to the element.
I don’t include the FK column in the function, I’ll try it
Hi Robin
Thanks for your replay, but I need to use the table 8900 as entry point because in the same function file I have another function, and both have to use this table