I'm referencing SLSRMLibrary.dll from an automation script.
When the dmapp is created and imported it will contain a reference to C:\Skyline DataMiner\ProtocolScripts\SLSRMLibrary.dll.
Could you please let me know which would be the procedure to correctly reference SRM in an automation script so that the dmapp contains the proper DLL reference?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Julio,
In addition to the answer from Emmanuel
When installing or upgrading SRM, SLSRMLibrary is deployed under c:\Skyline DataMiner\Files\ directory.
Copying the DLL in a different directory will generate conflicts.
Hi Emmanuel,
Thank you very much for the feedback.
I mean how should the visual studio solution be configured so that the reference on the generated dmapp points to
SLSRMLibrary.dll in Files instead of ProtocolScripts.
Example script: https://jenkins.skyline.be/blue/organizations/jenkins/SkylineAutomationA_SLCSandboxA_SLCSandbox_TestAutomationScript/detail/1.0.0.X/7/artifacts/

This can be done by adding a ‘DLL Path’ property to the SLSRMLibrary.dll you’ve referenced in your VS project.
The property value should be the full filename of the DLL ( c:\Skyline DataMiner\Files\SLSRMLibrary.dll )
fixed by using the DLL Path attribute on the reference