Is there currently a one-stop documentation on Dojo or that users can reference in order to better understand where certain data is stored (a level below what features require which database)? This is one of the more common queries I come across when discussing databases.
Currently the general understanding is that alarms are stored in ElasticSearch, trend data & element parameter data are stored in Cassandra and Views & basic Element data are stored on the agents. DataMiner can contains a lot more data than this and a reference doc that helps users better understand where certain data is stored (which will continue to evolve over time as we introduce new features) would be likely be a popular page that users would visit.
At present we only have limited information about this, mainly related to the Cassandra database, but we are planning to look into updating and expanding this information. However, this is still in a very early stage, so I'm not yet able to give any more exact information about this.
Thanks Marieke for sharing that this is in the works.