Reading the install docs, reference is made to the recommended heap size for Cassanda, but no mention of the correct setting for Elastic. Using the standalone installer (elastic deployed to it's own host - Windows Server 2016) the heap Xms and Xmx is set to 1g in C:\Program Files\elasticsearch\config\jvm.options
Should I just follow the recommendations in here?:- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.8/heap-size.html#:~:text=By%20default%2C%20Elasticsearch%20tells%20the,entire%20heap%20specified%20in%20jvm.
Hello Chris,
We indeed follow Elastic's guidelines, as you can see also mentioned here in our requirements:
Hope this helps!

Hello Chris,
Typically you want to set XMS and XMX to the same size. I recommend this being somewhere between 16-26GB.
You also don’t want to take all memory away from windows, so depending on your system, this will differ.
On top of this, if you created a service on windows for Elastic, this setting should be changed at in the registry editor at: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432\NodeApache Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\elasticsearch-service-x64\Parameters\Java
You will find the same options key over there defining the same settings. Setting it to -xms16g -xmx16g to -xms26g -xmx26g should be fine.

Excellent, thanks for the info Thomas. I’d set mine to 16G, host has 32g of ram. It seems happy so far. Got bitten the other day by it being at default. I did manage to find that registry key a couple of days ago.
Any chance the Install documentation can be updated to include that info please?

Hello Chris,
I’m unsure which installer you used, I’m assuming the installer provided by us on dojo? The Elastic standalone installer? If so, I will update this guide to contain this information. Perhaps I’ll create a task to make this configurable upon installation.

Hi Thomas,
I used the installer from https://community.dataminer.services/documentation/standalone-elasticsearch-cluster-installer/
if you could update that page, that’d be brilliant.
Also, the elastic website mentions a gui application that can reconfigure the service. This is present, but it appears the Dataminer installer doesn’t use the quite the same method of service creation as elastic’s own installer, so trying to run the gui throws an error saying “the service is not installed”
That doesn’t actuall specify what the heap size should be set to, nowhere does the instructions say “Set -Xms and -Xmx to….”.
At least 32 GB RAM is required; 64 GB is recommended. Going for 128 GB would be excessive, as heap sizing and swapping could become a problem.