Hi Dojo,
Looking for some reference on the RCA level implemented in DM 10.3, 10.4, 10.5: any link to the relevant section of the documentation will be extremely helpful (admin guide, videos, exercises...)
Looking into what's currently possible, ideally to highlight specific alarms as the root cause of others:
e.g.: stormy weather conditions in element/protocol A, over signal degradation measured in element/protocol B ... specific linking to be built across elements... and so on.
Any steer will be helpful.
Hi Alberto,
if I've no idea if there was anything new related to RCA coming from DM 10.3 onwards.
Is there something specific you are looking for?
But I remender this feature from older DM versions.
Here is a docs page with a lot of links related to it: Working with the Connectivity Editor | DataMiner Docs
Kind regards,

Thanks for these links, Felix – will check these asap
We're looking into ways to achieve some form of "Computer Assisted" root cause analysis, so that operators are facilitated in their task when many alarms are in console, e.g.: providing indication that alarms on device B are likely caused by an alarm on parameter "x" on device A.
Service definition may have to be created or updated if required for the RCA: please, do you know if the chains can be defined by manipulating XML files or is it required to use the "Connectivity Editor" in the Correlation UI?
I'm referring to these:
RCA & DCF: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Reference/DataMiner_Tools/SLNetClientTest_tool/SLNetClientTest_tool_advanced_procedures/SLNetClientTest_having_rca_chains_updated.html
RCA in service templates: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Services/Service_templates/Creating_a_service_template/ST_Specifying_root_cause_info.html