How to fix the below pop up message appears in the visual studio ?

Hi Ahmed,
When DIS creates a protocol solution, it starts out with a solution with three C# projects:
- QAction_1: This is a QAction that has the precompile option.
- QAction_2: This is a QAction that gets triggered after startup.
- QAction_Helper: This is the QAction helper project where the helper code for e.g. SLProtocolExt gets generated. This project gets created automatically by DIS if it sees that it is missing.
Based on the exception, it might be that the solution does not contain a QAction_Helper project anymore (you can verify this by navigating to the directory where the solution resides in explorer and check whether there is a folder QAction_Helper that contains a QAction_Helper.csproj and QAction_Helper.cs file) while the solution file (.sln) still mentions the QAction_Helper project. You can verify this by opening the .sln file in a text editor and search for a project entry for the QAtion_Helper project like the following (note the latter GUID will be different in your case):
Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "QAction_Helper", "QAction_Helper\QAction_Helper.csproj", "{146BD5EF-54C6-4A14-8C1A-EF7C92F115CD}"
If the QAction_Helper project directory no longer exists but the .sln file still mentions this project, can you remove the project entry in the .sln file for the QAction_Helper project, save the .sln file and then open the solution again in Visual Studio? DIS should then regenerate the QAction_Helper project.
I think the main issue in my case that the 3 projects can’t be loaded due to this error (The SDK ‘Microsoft.NET.Sdk’ specified could not be found.) I checked that the component is installed and repaired the visual studio with no fix
Do you consistently get the issue when you create a new connector solution or a .NET console application? (DIS has the .NET SDK as a prequisite, if that is not installed yet on the system, DIS would not be able to install.) Maybe this is related to the following topic:
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