Hi Dojo,
I developed an export configuration feature in my connector that generates export files in the documents folder. I wanted to force sync these files in my DMS. (To have them immediately available to other elements running the same connector on remote agents in my DMS system)
For that I'm using the DataMiner Notify: NT_SEND_DMS_FILE_CHANGE
NT_SEND_DMS_FILE_CHANGE (41) | DataMiner Docs
protocol.NotifyDataMiner(41 /*NT_SEND_DMS_FILE_CHANGE*/, fullFilePath, 34 /*Add*/);
I was looking to get rid of the magic numbers and use enumeration types instead.
I found that I could replace the File Notification Types (32, 33, 34 & 35) by:
using SLNetMessages = Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages;
protocol.NotifyDataMiner(41 /*NT_SEND_DMS_FILE_CHANGE*/, fullFilePath, (int)SLNetMessages.FileNotificationType.Add);
Does someone know if there is also an available Enum type for the NotifyDataMiner types as well?
Hi Thijs,
You probably want Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages.NotifyType from SLNetTypes (41 = SendDmsFileChange).

I was searching on “NT_SEND_DMS….”, and therefor didn’t found any matches.
Thanks Jens!