Hi All,
When getting a .dmprotocol file with an included help file I've noticed image file links are always broken (the same in the catalogue), looking at the index.htm the image path is listed as '/SiteAssets/Driver%20Help/<protocol name>/<image name>.png' with all spaces encoded as %20, which is an invalid path, as the image files are located in the same folder, the link would just need to be '<image name>.png'.
I've also noted that the file name of the images have the space encoding in the name '%20', so to load the image '%2520' would need to be used, as the '%' will need encoding as well.
Can the method in which protocol packages are produced be looked into when images are in the help pages, either leaving the space in any image file names, or changing the encoding to %2520; also removing the path for the image as well.
Hi Philip,
This is a good suggestion. Currently, the CI/CD pipeline creates a .dmprotocol package (which is the same package as the one that becomes available on the catalog) that will only include the help file itself and not any images that are referenced in it.
I created a task (ID 212479) to perform some post processing on the help file that gets included in the dmprotocol package and to also include the images, if any, so these become available when viewing the help in Cube.