Within a protocol I want to detect when an SNMP table result is an empty array.
When this condition is discovered I will use QAction to update a standalone parameter to alert of the null data response from the array.
When the parameter is receiving data, I'll update the other parameter again
What's the best way to detect a returned empty snmp arrays in a protocol?

As this question has now been open for a long time and there has been no further reaction from you, I will now close it. If you still want more information about this, could you post a new question?
Hi Sam,
I would use the following NT Notify Type NT_GET_TABLE_COLUMNS (321) | DataMiner Docs to get the table columns. You can retrieve the primary key column for table 6001 and if it's empty, continue with setting parameter 3005 as "NULL DATA".
Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately a snmp table response of zero does not mean the table will be empty so this example doesn’t work.
See example https://samstump.com/dma/snmptableresponse.png
After the element returns from a timeout the existing rows are retained till new data is retrieved through snmp poll – so even though the snmp table response is empty there are still primary keys returning on this one.
Hi Sam,
Have you been able to find a solution for this yet? If the answers below helped, could you select the most helpful answer, or if you found another solution altogether, could you let us know? If you still need help with this, could you answer the questions Laurens asks in the comment of January 19th?