I have an Element where parameters I need to set are held in multiple tables. This means my parameters list in the profiles app has become very big very quickly as I need a new parameter for each row in my table, and also for each column. With 4 rows my parameters list is already in the 100s. I'm aware I can add multiple 'Linked With' Index values to set all the rows in one go but that's not what I need to achieve. I need to set each row separately and as far as I'm aware if I add more 'Linked With' rows then the instance will set them all each time, I only want to set 1 at a time. Can I make the Table Index value a variable, so a user can select a value (in my case Ch0) and then it will apply the instance to that table row? Or, is there another way to do this? I'm hoping I've missed something simple in how I manage the parameters maybe?
Hi, apologies for the late reply...
As you can see from the added images below I have to create a parameter for each table row as I want to set each row to different values at different times. This means that for this small table I have 24 parameters in the profiles app for 3 parameters in the driver. Within the driver I have many more tables with many more table rows so I'll have to add many hundreds of parameters into the profiles app. I was wondering if there’s an easier way to manage this?
If I link the parameter with more table rows it sets them all when I apply the profile, you can’t pick table row in the definition or instance.

Hi Ross
Could you elaborate on the use case you would use these parameters for?
Kind regards
I’m using the Profiles app to store an approved configuration template that I can quickly send to new and live apps to make sure each IP flow is configured the same way and to remove any user error. The driver has 175 write parameters split across several tables. Each table row is a flow. Although I don’t want to set them of all I need to set a lot of them. Most are in a table with 4 or 8 rows so it means potentially (I’m not sure of the real number yet) I’d have to add up to 8 x 175 parameters into the Profiles app (1400) so I can set each IP flow. I know there’s the capability to add more table row filters linked with each parameter but then when I run the instance it sets them all whereas I’ll be creating/editing 1 IP flow at a time, which is 1 table row for each table. I worked on it for a short time and realised for this 1 driver the Profiles app will be full with many hundreds of parameters. I was just wondering whether I could use a variable to make this easier. Or, is there another way of trying to achieve what I need. I appreciate it’s difficult to understand without the driver in front of you. I’ll send a couple more images to help explain.
It’s looking like I can’t add any more images.
Hi Ross, It’s not possible to add images in a comment. Can you add them in your original post instead?
Hi, I’ve updated the original question. Thanks.
As this question has been inactive for a long time, we will now close it. If you still want further information, could you post a new question?