Is there the possibility for a Owner or Admin to use the records from the audit log to create visibility relative the actual usage (e.g. total/last week’s views, Top-5 of most consulted dashboards) of the different dashboards as shared through the platform.
Goal to use this to rework or remove some of them dashboards based on this.
Hi Dominique
at the moment we do not have this feature yet. Would it also be helpful to be able to see "last accessed time" on the dashboard or in the outgoing shares overview?

I can certainly see the value in that. You can already do this in theory by going to the admin page and using the filters on the Audit page.
Set the operation to “Access” and the Subject Type to “Share”.

Much appreciated if we could make this kind of info incl. “last accessed time” available. Again goal for this to support “maintenance” or e.g. allow shares that are not (often) used to be removed.
I believe that “last accessed time” in the overview will be very valuable for administrators. Especially if they need to do some cleanup when the max amount of concurrent shares is reached.