I would like to know if anyone has ever used the plugin skylinecommunications-dataminer-datasource-0.0.2 in Grafana. I'm having difficulty finding any study material on it.
Thank you.
More information can be found here: Grafana Data Source plugin | DataMiner Docs
Is there anything specific you are looking for or is something not working? I've used it before in some examples...

The Grafana plugin gets data from the GQI module in DataMiner. So first, you need to create a GQI query in the DataMiner Dashboards app that gets the data you want. This could be an interesting video:
Once you have a GQI query, you can copy it to Grafana (see the link in Bert’s answer).
Hi Bert,
I would like something more specific, for example, getting metrics to build a dashboard, like switch port up or down, network traffic…