I am giving a user. But as shown in the below screengrab he is not able to see the destination node.
Which permission i have to give him to view that.
to view only the service view flow.
Hi Ashwini,
The service includes the source and destination, so providing access to the service will already give them visibility on the parameters included in this service. In the Visual Overview there are references to the destination element itself (not the childelement of the service). Probably because the user does not have access to the destination element it will not be possible for him to see the data. Can you provide access to the destination element for this user?

The destination node already has the access, i can double click on the visio and go to the destination node. But i am not able to view in the destination area.

I just had a look at the service on your system and I’m able to get the full picture. I would propose that we have a look together.
Hi, i have not restricted the user to some elements. i have given access to all the elements.