I am passing script parameters but am finding that if a parameter contains the # reserved character the script does not run and I get the error box showing that parameter as 'blank'.
My Shape Data calling the script is:-
Script:X20 MTX||Output_Port_PRI=[property:x20IRS_Output_Port_PRI];Output_Port_SEC=[property:x20IRS_Output_Port_SEC];PlayoutServer=[var:PlayoutServer[property:x20IRS_Output_Port_PRI]];PRI_ElementName=[property:x20IRS_PRI_ElementName];SEC_ElementName=[property:x20IRS_SEC_ElementName];Source=PlayoutServer;PRI_ElementName_ENC=N/A;Output_Port_PRI_ENC=N/A;SEC_ElementName_ENC=N/A;Output_Port_SEC_ENC=N/A;ServiceName=[this service]||Switch to [var:PlayoutServer[property:x20IRS_Output_Port_PRI]] Playout Server on [property:x20IRS_PRI_ElementName] and [property:x20IRS_SEC_ElementName]|CloseWhenFinished,NoConfirmation,NoSetCheck
The PlayoutServer script parameter can contain a # character, the value passed in could be:-
I've tried using [Sep:#^] without any success, or I'm putting the Sep in the wrong place.
Thank you for any help.
Indeed, I notice the same behavior when trying this internally. Cube also adds a log line with the message 'Value does not fall within the expected range'.
I'm not aware of a possibility to escape this, however I do notice that it only seems to happen if your parameter value starts with the '#' character. An alternative solution could be adding a prefix to the Shape Data, which could then be stripped off again, i.e. replacing 'prefix#' to '#' in the automation script that is executed. Probably not the ideal solution and most fancy solution but it is quite similar to escaping a char.
Script:Automation script||Param=prefix#test|||NoConfirmation
Hi Leander and Miguel, thank you for the replies. We worked around the problem by prefixing every value that would be passed to the script with a whitespace, and compensating for that in the automation script using the script params.
Just adding a small note. The hash character (‘#’) is reserved in this context to indicate DataMiner that the parameter is assigned to as so-called permanent memory file (i.e. an array of values). Additional information in DataMiner Help: