We are building a Visio to show an end-to-end view of a Video processing chain. The overall display does not port well to the Dashboard view at this time. We also have a popup Visio page for more detail where we show 4 parameters trend lines based on the associated selected service. We like how the trend display looks and operates on the dashboard UI better (showing the readings as the user hovers across the trend line), so we were planning to build a Dashboard page which shows the 4 trended parameters then link the trend dashboard page URL to a Visio shape for the popup display.
The question is, since within Cube we are setting a variable to pass the IDX of the row to the trend data shape, is there a way to pass this variable to a Dashboard and use it as an indices for the trend display? Otherwise, we will have to create multiple instances of the same dashboard for each user selectable service using the variable in the dashboard URL referenced.
Hello Steve,
This can indeed be done as we did this for a solution a while ago using a parameter feed that is then feed into a line and area chart component. With that configuration, then it's just a matter or passing in the required information in the dashboard URL to preselect the parameter feed and the trend graph will show. We no longer have access to the customers example but I have created an example dashboard using this configuration here that has some parameter/indices already preselected.

Rene, Gabriel, thanks for the directions and example. We ended up doing something slightly different, since we only needed the indices passed, we were able to use:
JSON Formatted:
Which passed the selected indices as the Visio variable var:vProcess to the dashboard and populated the different trends as desired.