I would like to see in the Task overview all the Tasks:
- I have created
- Which are assigned to me
- Which are related to me, but in progress to an developper.
- ...
So I get an overview of all the questions I have asked and the status (and progress)
Is this possible?
Hi Rob
- You can get an overview of the tasks that are assigned to you by clicking on the "My Tasks" button in the sidebar.
Getting an overview of tasks that you've created is currently not possible.
However do note that Collaboration is currently still actively being developed, expanding the filtering options is one of the things still on the backlog.- Update 7 march 2022: The 'My Tasks' view now also includes tasks that were created by you. By default, both assigned to you and created by you are shown, filters have also been added to customize which tasks you actually want to see.
- To get an overview of tasks which are related to you but assigned to a developer, you can use the filter option in the top right corner (when viewing a list of tasks) and choosing an assignee.
I hope this answers your questions.
Feel free to let us know if anything is unclear.
Kind regards

Hi Rob
Is it possible that you’re on the “My Tasks” view? Since this only contains tasks that are assigned to you, we don’t show the assignee filter option here.
Opening a project, to see the list of tasks, should have an assignee filter.
You can see what view your on by the breadcrumbs in the top left corner, below the “DataMiner” icon. This should be “My Tasks” for the my tasks view, or “-my company name-” > “-project name”.
Kind regards
Hello Ben,
Yes I found out just now, that I first have to select the project and then can use the assignee filter.
But I want to see all my tasks in one view (some are in the maintenance project, some are in dedicated projects) and see to whom it is assigned and see the status.
I think that is not possible yet (?)

Hi Rob
That’s indeed not possible yet.
This feature is still in the investigation phase.
Sorry for any inconvenience that this might be causing.
Have a good weekend.
Kind regards

This feature, combining several projects in one overview, is indeed in investigation phase, but I also wanted to add that it is high on the agenda and we want to start working on this soon.
I see that I don’t have the box “Assignee”.
I can only filter on Status, Type, Labels and projects
Can that have to do with my account Rights?