Hi all,
I have found a great selection of keyboard shortcuts in the help file to make it quick and easy to navigate or move things around within Dataminer.
Are there any Operational keyboard shortcuts that operators can use for the Alarm console to
- Take Ownership of 1 or Multiple alarms after selecting a group?
- Clearing Clearable alarms.
- Create New Tab in the alarm Console.
- Alarm "Properties" shortcut
- Masking and Unmasking Alarms
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 11th July 2023
Hi Nathan,
At the moment there are no keyboard shortcuts for the actions you mentioned in the alarmconsole. I would suggest to create a new feature request DataMiner Feature Suggestions - DataMiner Dojo so we can implement this in the future.
Michaël Pincket [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Answered question 2nd June 2022