Hi Dojo - We have enabled data offload to MySQL and, right after that, the memory usage and CPU of the DMAs started increasing too much, generally across the system but mainly the SLDataGateway. Is this an expected behaviour?
In addition, what's the most optimum configuration for data offload frequency (5 mins by default)?
We have also seen data being offload from months before the offload activation time. Is this expected?

Hi Simon
With dataminer 10.2.10 the SLDataGateway CPU increased by 3 times, and the Memory usage from 1 GB to 10GB and was still increasing until a restart was performed and stabilized after I disabled the data snapshot option, Dataavg, and also to only export when data changes for optimization.
It is more evident on the SLDataGateway process where we can see a data leak, however, other processes increased as well since the overall memory consumption increased substantially
Hey Elvio,
How is SLDataGateway behaving after the restart and modifying the offload configuration? SLDataGateway was likely strained due to the amount of data being offloaded.
How much data is being offloaded is heavily influenced by:
- Exporting values even if they don't change. For real-time data this is the "All parameter values" setting. For average data this is controlled with the "oldstyle" setting in DB.xml. These settings may also trigger data backfilling.
- Trend templates. By default offloading is enabled for every parameter in trend templates. So if the parameter has trending enabled (real-time or avg.) it will be offloaded.
You should fine-tune your trend templates to exclude unneeded parameters from offload. Offloading can also be disabled at an element level.
Hope this helps.
Hi Elvio. What proportion increase are you seeing and for how long?