Any idea why I have lost my Cloud Connection? It has been working but now I get this error in DM Cloud Admin:
All services are started at all agents, but if I run the ConnectionTester I get errors. I have same errors at all agents.
The error is:
Could it be something related to some firewall that has kicked in or?
Any ideas how I can solve this issue?
// Thomaz

I have followed the guide "Investigating dataminer.sewrvices connection issues" and in the "MaintenanceSettings.xml" it is HTTPS enabled.
"<HTTPS enabled="true" name="xxxxxxx.on.dataminer.services"/>"
But if I test the address I got this error:
The MaintenanceSettings.xml field for HTTPS should contain the HTTPS url as indicated on the certificate, which points to the DataMiner agent. Information about this configuration can be found in the docs: https://aka.dataminer.services/configuring-https-on-a-dma
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