I'm not able to test and save my connection inside the taskbar utility options. I usually log in to cube with the same credentials without specifying any domain and this isn't giving any problems.
I do see the HTTPS support is not fully defined.
How can I troubleshoot and fix this?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Gilles,
If port 80 is closed in IIS on the DMA, the Taskbar utility requires a valid (trusted) certificate configured on port 443 in IIS for hostname "DATAMINER-03". If you uncheck the setting, a certificate for hostname "localhost" will also be valid.
Note that with upcoming in changes in 10.3.5 this setting will become obsolete, so that should improve the user experience.

The taskbar utility does not have any configuration for the hostname, but it does try to compose a fully-qualified domain name based on the machine name and the domain suffix of your network adaptors. Apparently this is where things go wrong on your setup, as the suffix is empty. What is the output of the following command?
ipconfig /all | find “DNS Suffix”
If the computer is joined in a Windows Domain, it should report a suffix like “company.local” for atleast one of the network adaptors, which would result in “dataminer-03.company.local” being displayed in the taskbar utility.

The command is giving the following output:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
It would appear this computer has not joined a Windows Domain. If this is only a development or test setup, you can manually set the DNS suffix via the registry:
reg add HKLMSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters /v “NV Domain” /t REG_SZ /d “company.local” /f
The practical impact of this change is that whenever a non-FQDN hostname needs to be resolved, e.g. “demo”, Windows will try to resolve “demo.company.local” instead. As the computer has not joined the domain, it will depend on the configured DNS server whether or not these hostnames will resolve correctly. If the DNS server has been set to a public DNS service like or neither “demo” nor “demo.company.local” will be resolvable.
Hi Bert,
There is a valid certificate configured on port 443 but it has another hostname: “dataminer-03.****.local” something like that. Is there some configuration to change to make sure the right hostname is used?