Hi Dojo,
I have added a test-user to a specific dashboard only, but during the testing I've realized that even if the user is explicitly listed for a given dashboard only, the access to the dashboard tree seems still available and if the user clicks on a dashboard where no access is provided and this sort of screen is presented: is there a way to restrict the access so that the dashboards tree lists only the dashboards allowed for a given user?
Current environment DM 10.2.4 - native cluster (not using the "dashboard sharing" function, but could look into it if that's the only way to restrict the tree).
Hi Alberto
Be aware that a dashboard is by default visible for every (authenticated) user. So dashboards that are created but have no security set, will also be available in their side panel. This will be the case regarless of the content of a dashboard. When a dashboard has components with data where a user has no access to, this will be shielded off on component level, but not in the dashboards list/tree.
So if you would want to restrict the tree, without the use of dashboard sharing, the only way is to not have 'public' dashboards, by setting the security on every single dashboard.
Nice to know is, that from 10.2.7 onwards, your private dashboards will be available in a separate tab.

There are several ways to share a dashboard:
– Click the … menu on the top right of a dashboard
– Click “Share”
– Click “URL” -> allows you to tweak a shareable url (which can only be shared with users that have access)
– Or click “Email report” -> will send a pdf of the dashboard.
Sharing a dashboard with users that have no access to the dashboard is not possible without being cloud connected.
Thanks for the prompt feedback, Gilles
I’ll give it a go and start assigning a group to each one of the dashboard – is it possible to share a dashboard just internally (e.g. generating a link to a single dashboard without having the DMA cloud connected)?