Hi Team, were running Dataminer V. 10.4.8 and i tried to deploy DataAPI and DataAggregator via Dataminer Services. Now i´m getting this popup:
After that i checked on our DMA the .Net Version and found:
Only the server hosting module is .Net 8.0.
Is it mandatory to also have the .Net Runtime 8.0 and the .Net Core 8.0 installed?
DataMiner requires you to install .NET using the .NET hosting bundle installer. This should install both the .NET and ASP.NET runtime as well as the IIS component, so I would recommend to run that hosting bundle installer again to make sure you have all the required runtimes on your system. Especially because as of 10.4.10, DataMiner no longer requires .NET 6 (.NET 6 is going end of life soon, .NET 5 already is end of life).
You can find a full overview of which .NET versions are required (including links to the installers) for each DataMiner version here.
Kind regards,

Hi, I expected the runtimes to show up under the installed apps when running the hosting bundle installer, because this was the case for .NET 6 installations.
However, I just did a test by running the hosting bundle installer and this was not the case. Only the server hosting module was shown. I also tested removing all except the .NET 8 server hosting module and it everything seemed to work just fine. So it seems like having just the .NET 8 server hosting module is enough.
Hi, after rerunning the hosting bundle installer, the .Net 8 Runtime and the ASP .Net core modules are still not showing up. Should they show up under installed APPS after the hosting bundle installation or not?