Hi Team
Can I get the Dataminer version of firmware, please
server version: 9.5.1635.12
client version: 9.5.1638.4080

Thanks for your response.
Currently, Main and Backup server are not in sync. I want to do the sync for main and backup dataminer and having two different Dataminer version on Main and Backup. The Main server is Live and backup is isolated.
Main server we have installed Dataminer version of long back which is shown in the images.
Server version: 9.5.1635.12
client version: 9.5.1638.4080
For Backup dataminer I have installed the 9.5 Dataminer application which show me that version as
server version : 9.5.1635.16
client version: 9.5.1638.10800
> So I want to have same dataminer version on backup as of Main, can you help me to get the upgrade file of Dataminer version of ?
Considering the current lifecycle it might be recommendable to upgrade both main & back-up to a newer release – the oldest supported is currently 9.6
Hi Syed,
The version you have there is no longer supported and therefore you cannot find it on our download page.
Here you have a link to this specific version, but the link is only valid for one week:
DataMiner Full Upgrade.dmupgrade
Hi Syed – can you maybe clarify what you mean exactly by “getting the DataMiner version”? Are you looking for the software installation package for the version that you reference here?