<Timer id="1" options="ip:1000,1;each:60000;pollingrate:30,10,10;threadPool:20,5,221,222,223,224,
<Name>Poll Timer SSH</Name>
What is 1011 Group is this Qaction is this QAction below.
<QAction id="1011" name="SSH Data" encoding="csharp" options="group" triggers="1011" row="true">
What is the purpose of pollingrate,threadPool,dynamicthreadpool
All these options of the timer are explained on this Help page .
Basically pollingrate helps to spread the launching of the threads so not all threads are started every second. Threadpool defines how much threads are available in the thread pool and in which parameters statistic values about the thread pool usage should be displayed. Dynamicthreadpool is also a reference to a parameter that displays the current size.
I think we can close this thread I got my answer.
Thank you Laurens, what is a Group parameter 1011 in Timer, this is used for multithread SSH call and there are 3 Qactions 1010,1011,1012. as the Timer definition qactionbefore is 1010, qactionafter is 1012. so in timer parameters group 1011 is what ? is it Qaction and I have to create some group with id 1011.