Hi Dojo
Customer is investigating whether Dataminer can monitor primary and secondary packet flows as follows
The existing VB440 connector does not seem to be able to retrieve such parameters.
Will it be possible to monitor PATH DIFFERENTIAL with Dataminer?
Yuki Arakawa(3496) 荒川 祐貴 [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 26th January 2024

Hi Yuki,
This info is currently not exposed over the Probe API.
We can check with bridgetech if they will be available in the future.
Are there any other KPI's that you believe are currently missing?
Yuki Arakawa(3496) 荒川 祐貴 [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 26th January 2024
Hi Yuki,
Do you still need more information after Ive’s answer? If yes, could you provide the information he asked for? If no, could you select his answer (using the ✓ icon) to indicate that this question can be closed?