Is there a way to export what mimics are used by which service?
Or is there a way to export this information out of Dataminer?
Usually, you can hover your mouse over the file when you select the mimic that you want to use, and it shows what services are using the mimic. The problem is that some mimics are being used by so many services that you can't tell the ones that go off the screen.
We would like to know what mimics are associated with as sometimes you can make a change, and you won't know what damage you have done until someone reports it.
Hi Nathan,
There is currently no global overview of where each visio file is used. However, it is quite easy to export this information with an automation script. I have made an example that writes it to a text file on the DataMiner agent:

Great question and great answer.
I've expanded on Bert's code to make it a more useable CSV export format, with timestamp.
Have scheduled this to run every week to export what Visio files are assigned to which Views/Services/Protocols etc.
Thank you, Bert.
What a great idea!