In our system we have a set of servers that each have multiple instances of the same programme, but with different command line parameters. We need to be able to alarm if any of these instances are NOT running.
e.g. Prog.exe --Inst 1, Prog.exe --Inst 2, Prog.exe --Inst 3
If Prog.exe --Inst 2 crashes or is not running we need to raise an alarm for that.
I've not found a way to acheive this.
Any ideas?
Thanks Ive, that doesn't quite do what I need.
The alarm it generates just says "Notepad - not available", I need to know the specific instance that has failed.
So, if "Prog.exe --Inst 1" crashes, I need the alarm to say "Prog.exe --Inst 1 Failed". The Inst flag is critical to this.
Any ideas on how I could enhance this?