Hi DOJO Community,
I'm reaching out for assistance with the META WhatsApp Messaging Solution and its connector (version We've implemented this solution in our DEMO Dataminer (feature release 10.5.1) by following the documented procedure and requirements (META WhatsApp Messaging Solution | DataMiner Docs).
Currently, we're using a Dummy element and have configured correlation to a controllable parameter. However, when we modify this parameter to trigger an alarm and execute the correlation, an error appears in the Information Events, and the message fails to send to the contacts configured in the 'wpp' element.
"Script Failure (META Alarm Detection): EXIT: "Run|Something went wrong: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Skyline.DataMiner.Core.InterAppCalls.Common.CallBulk.IInterAppCall.Send(Skyline.DataMiner.Net.IConnection, Int32, Int32, Int32, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<System.Type>)'.
at METAAlarmDetection_1.Script.SendMessages(AlarmMessage message, Int32 dmaId, Int32 elementId)
at METAAlarmDetection_1.Script.RunSafe(IEngine engine)
at METAAlarmDetection_1.Script.Run(IEngine engine)" (see comment for more details)"
I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions you may have to resolve this issue. Your expertise and insights would be invaluable.
Thank you in advance for your time and support.
Best regards, Jardel

Hi Arturo, Thanks for your feedback and attention to the matter.
We look forward to hearing from you so we can continue with the tests.

Hi Jardel,
It seems the issue was resolved with the downgrade to Dataminer
We are still checking why this issue happens in 10.5 but as soon as we have a reply, we will let you know so you can download the latest package.
Hey Jardel,
We have verified that the package works as expected on both DataMiner versions 10.4.x and 10.5.x. Since the solution functioned correctly after the downgrade to, I recommend attempting the upgrade again.
If the issue reoccurs, try deleting all contents of the WhatsApp solution package before reinstalling it by running package version 1.0.1-CU2 on DataMiner 10.5.x
Please let me know if that works.
Hi Jardel,
This seems to be an issue with one of the Solution's scripts, we are working on knowing the root cause and to create a new Solution Package.
I'll come back here with news in a couple of days!