We have seen on many occasions that some(random) Masked alarms become clear after a DataMiner upgrade, this has been the case many times over the years. Is there a reason for this? We then have to go through and manually Mask them again.
Could you let me know which DMA versions we are talking about?
I can remember an issue 9.5 - 9.6 where we mistakenly cleared the masked state after your TTL (time to live) configuration was expired (typically 365 days)
So each time your mask an alarm/element, after 1 year that would expire
Next to that, this should happen to you also after a DMA restart and not only an upgrade. I'm fairly sure this was fixed in the latest 9.6 CU versions, so once you move to a version after this, the alarms will still expire one more time but the next time you mask it should keep the state
Could this issue describe the behaviour that you see?
that is indeed still possible, however the newly masked alarms after the upgrade should not have this behaviour anymore, if they do i would suggest to immediately report a use case to our techsupport so they can check what is happening with such an alarm
Today we upgraded from 9.6Cu13 > 10.1Cu13 and witnessed Masked alarms clearing post upgrade.