Hi, I would like to know if it is normal behavior if we mask an Element but when an alarm comes up the SMS eagle then sends a message. Shouldn't the alarm be ignored as it falls under the masked alarms?
My notification filter is setup to send messages on Critical alarms, but the alarm gets masked immediately.
Probably it is normal behavior, but it can be fixed. If you mask an element, the critical alarm will still exist, but its status is Masked. I assume that your SMS filter is now filtering out the Critical alarms (Severity = Critical)? If so, could you change that to Severity = Critical AND Status 'not equal to' Masked?

Thank you Ben, I will test this and see if it works now.
Note: the status can be ‘open’, ‘masked’, ‘cleared’ or ‘clearable’. Alternatively you can also filter on severity=critical AND status=open (instead of anything except ‘not masked’), in case you want the SMS only for a critical alarms happening (and not when they clear).