I have a pair of DMAs that is set to manual failover. When the online DMA goes into "Disconnected" state (could be for any reason, e.g. server crashes), the Failover button is greyed out. How can I manually failover to the Offline DMA in this instance?
Trong Huynh [DevOps Member] Selected answer as best 28th March 2023
Hi Trong Huynh,
One of the ways that this can be achieved is by
1. Browsing to the Offline DMA via Cube
2. There is an option to bring the Offline agent Online, as seen in the image
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Posted new comment 12th June 2023

This has now been added to the documentation: https://github.com/SkylineCommunications/dataminer-docs/pull/1598