I have for example a DOM Definition with the following fields:
I want do display in a dropdown the Names of all DOM Instances based on that DOM Definiton.
Is that possible?
Hi Daniela,
Yes this is possible: you first need to drag & drop DataMiner instances as data & then add a filter to filter out on DOM definitions

Hi Daniela,
This is not possible as far as I am aware as the dropdown doesn’t support GQI queries (only option would be to add the asset name in the name of your DOM instance)
As far as I know, it's not possible to use the result of a query in a dropdown.
Dashboards – Can we filter dropdown list of elements on property value?
Hi Martjin that worked!
How about if I want to display in the dropdown another field like the Asset Name (which is not the name of the dom instance). Is that possible?