Hi community,
In a low code app, is there a way to group alarms as we have in Cube alarm console with alarm table or table components?
A use case is for example to see a correlation alarm and all alarms below this correlation.
Hi Yvan,
Afaik it is not possible to do that with the current features in the alarm table in Dashboards/Low-code apps.
The alarm datasource in GQI also does not contain information about correlations of alarms.
In cube, that info is retrieved through the CorrelationDetailsEventMessage. The only solution I see for now is to create an ad hoc datasource which would create the correlation relations by using that CorrelationDetailsEventMessage message.
Best regards, Ward

Yes grouping is possible in a table: drag and drop a query column on the blue grouping box. This will group your table based on the values of that column.
Thanks for this tip 🙂
Hi Ward,
Thanks for your reply.
If I create an adhoc data source, can we visually collapse/expand data in a table?