There are multiple Transponders which are monitored by different devices and systems.
- IRDs of different brands are monitoring the transponder levels
- Kratos Monics is also monitoring the EIRP for the transponders and also for the carriers on the level below that.
- Alarm templates are in place which alarm differently on all different transponders and carriers.
Have a Transponder table that displays the Transponder level and EIRP level with their respective alarm level for all Transponders.
Have a Carrier table that displays the carrier levels of all carriers on all Monics elements
Both tables should be paginated.
Selecting a transponder filters in the carrier table.
current solution (many years old):
Currently we have a manager element fetching information from all the different elements and displaying it in a table.
There are also scripts to set up element connections and to read alarm templates to duplicate the thresholds that need to be applied on that table.
Solutions I'm looking for:
- A way to prevent duplicating data in the system.
- DOM instances for the metadata
- Preferably we can leverage the low-code apps to display the data in table format with a row for each transponder and the transponder level as one column and the EIRP as another column.
The metadata can then be shown in other columns as well.
A second table can be used for the carrier information and it could be filtered on selecting a transponder.
We want to combine information from metadata, different types of IRD elements and data from other elements.
Instinctively I think of a service template to combine element data, but the difficulty is displaying it in a table format.
Many years have past since the first solution, and we have many new features available.
I wonder if there would be a good solution available to combine that static metadata with the dynamic measurements and alarms from the different elements to form a transponder table that shows the relevant data to the user.
Anyone eager to help brainstorm on this one?
The existing solution is based on a manager Element, collecting data from many Elements. The solution provides following functionalities / user experience:
- mediation layer on alarm description
- immediate update when changes are detected in the underlying connectors
- all data already collected/aggregated when user opens the Manager Element
With the set of features part of LCA/GQI , it is currently not possible to skip the manager Element and provide same user experience.
This conclusion only applies to your project. By no mean this is a generic conclusion.