I'm building a low-code app that is based on a DOM definition with 2 section definitions. The app includes a functionality to add comments to one of the sections, and save the instance.
In order to achieve this, I add an action to a table which shows the instances, and open a details panel. The details panel shows a form, linked to the DOM instance row of the selected table. Almost all fields, except the comments are put read-only on the DOM section for that state. A save button is added into the header section to save the changes. Next to the comments, the state is also updated when clicking the save button, through an automation script.
As the DOM definition consists of 2 section definitions, I notice that the details panel shows the name of the first section definition. Next to it, a + sign is show with tooltip 'Add a new instance of the section'. Clicking this opens a new tab in the panel, with a possibility to add a new instance.
Is there a possibility into the low-code app not to show this additional + sign into the panel, and also hide the name of the section (as not useful for the end-user)?
Hi Leander,
If I understand the situation correctly, you may have accidentally enabled 'multiple sections' for that Section Definition. Being able to click that '+' sign to add another Section is a feature that was officially added by release note 35172 (Main Release: 10.3.0 and Feature Release: 10.3.3). See the 'note' under the table of the 'Configuring fields' section of the docs: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Modules/DOM/DOM_status_system.html#configuring-fields
Note that you could also see this behavior in a version before this when you have set the (now obsolete) 'DomDefinitionVisualStructure > SectionDefinitionInfo > AllowMultipleInstances' configuration.
Can you double-check if either the 'AllowMultipleSections' bool on the 'DomStatusSectionDefinitionLink' (DomBehaviorDefinition) is set or the obsolete 'AllowMultipleInstances' bool?

As for hiding the section name, I don’t believe that’s possible (yet). Note that the section name is hidden when you only have one section.
I actually had turned that off on the Section Definitions however I noticed that you can also define this separately on the Section Definitions Links for every state. Turning that indeed off for the New state did fix the problem.
Thanks Thomas!