Hi, what are the recommendations between Live Sharing and Dashboard Gateway to share KPIs with external users?
I think Live Sharing is the way to go here. It allows the external users to view the dashboard without needing to login with a user of the DataMiner System. This makes sure the external user can only accces exactly what you shared, so it is a lot more secure.
Additionally, using the admin app you can easily manage shares and their external users. Finally, you can easily see when users access the shared dashboard using the new auditing feature in the Admin App.

Fully agree. Live Sharing has a lot of benefits. Just to name a few. A) no set-up or configuration required, Live Sharing is off the shelf available – no hardware, no admin, no maintenance, etc. B) security – as stated by Sven C) much more flexible and on-demand granting and revoking of access to specific dashboards. And more. But Live Sharing is the way to go I would say.