how do i change the line color in a visio drawing as in main path is green backup path bleu when main path is in error then make it yellow or red and make the backup path from bleu to green
it would be verry handy if anyone has an example for me how to do this
do i need to make from lines an element

Toon , what do you mean with DCF ?? not an expert here …
i think the answer is parameters not shore

DCF is DataMiner Connectivity Framework, a framework specifically designed for showing and dealing with connections between interfaces and devices.
Is your line one that is already drawn in the Visio file? If so, could you show me its shape data? Feel free to edit your question to do so.
wel i dont have a drawing yet i was looking for a way how to do it
if you can point me out to an example that would be great..
i just looked at a lesson on DCF now i understand why no one i know has colored lines it is just way to complecated to make a line go from green to red based on a event in an switch element …we simply dont have time for this ….
just forget the question we are doing it now with another monitor tool..
even though thanks for your effort
As I see it, you have 2 options when not using DCF:
Option 1
Let's say your parameter has an alarm color that represents the color you want to show on your line, then you can create a shape linked to that parameter's alarm color. Note the shape should be a rectangle. This is because we can't link alarm colors to the line color, only to the fill color of the shape. Therefore, you create a very thin rectangle with NO line color, but WITH a fill color. Now you should see your shape is displayed with a similar look to a line and with the color you needed.
Option 2
If you don't necessarily need to link the color to the alarm color of a parameter, but rather you can link it through a parameter value, you can also use basic shape conditions to do this. In this case you SHOULD be able to do this with a line shape rather than a rectangle one. Link your line again through the shape data to your parameter and then use the LineColor condition to make the line take the color you want.
I hope one of these 2 options can help you further.
Are your lines linked to DCF connections or to parameters?