I would like to pass a get trend data query into the newer version of the line & area chart component, query is gathering processor load of multiple microsoft platform elements, goal is to have all these processor loads into the same chart grouped by element.
Currently I'm facing the issue where I cannot group them by element, only one graph is drawn at a time.
Can someone help me out?
Hi Gilles,
The new version of the GQI line chart component expects each assigned query to return a row for each point that should be on the graph. These points are then connected in order to visualize the line. Since you assign a single query, you can only draw 1 line (per column) that will include all rows as points. The component has no concept of elements, it only knows points.
There are 2 options to support your use case:
- Create a query per element. This can be a query starting from your initial query that fetches all trend data, with an extra filter node added to filter on the element ID.
- Create an Ad Hoc data source. The data source can make use of the GQIDMS interface to fetch the trend data and insert columns per element. The data source can have some input arguments specifying the protocol and elements to fetch for.

Hi Matthijs,
The group input for the line chart doesn’t do anything at the moment. We will look into removing it for this visualization of query data. Grouping by column value is something that is on our backlog as a possible increment.
Hi Wout,
It is possible to drag a column of the query on the blue ‘group’ icon of the line component, but that doesn’t seem to do anything.
Is that expected? I was actually thinking this would group the points with the same value of that column and have multiple lines from 1 column in 1 query.