I would like to use a URL relative path "/app/..." for action "Navigate to a URL".
But, it only works with the full path "https://domain/app/..."
Do you have a solution? because I can deploy on different machines with different domains.
Hi Kévin,
normally you can use <DMAIP> inside the URL that will be replaced with your current hostname. There was a recent bug fix (DataMiner 10.4.5) that addressed issues with the <DMAIP> placeholder.
If you are running a version before 10.4.5, you can opt to use absolute paths preceded by a protocol.
e.g. https:/dashboard/#/, https:/app/my-app-id/page

Small correction: the placeholder is only available in the Web component when using an URL. This placeholder can currently not be used in actions.
Hi Ive,
Thank you. It works with https:/app/my-app-id/page