I am working on Real Time Statistics in Dataminer with some standard KPIs, the use case is to aggregate 6 of these KPIs together to get a single parameter/metric say for instance Gain= (A1+A2)-(B1+B2)+(C1+C2). The output of that process would be used to tune the alarm template to alert when the gain is below the defined threshold for a period of time. This is a situation awareness initiative to spot device and network anomalies and appropriate actions.
How best can I achieve this in the standard KPI trend template?
Hi Samson,
For this specific use case I believe the best approach is to implement the gain calculation in the connector. Assuming that A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2 are updated relatively at the same time, you could create an extra parameter 'Gain' that will keep the calculation described in your question. Using an alarm template, you could define thresholds that will trigger alarms on this new parameter.
Hope it helps!

Hi Samson,
Please If you can elaborate a bit more about the use case that you would like to implement. Based on this, I can double check which drivers (connector) implements similar aggregations.

Hello Mikel, so this use case is to take three KPIs that are in dataminer and create a new KPI based on their addition/subtraction for argument’s sake let’s say we have A.B & C as KPIs in a dataminer, a new KPI to serve as gain to facilitate on the spot decision making as it gives information about the healthiness of a component/wider network.
D(gain)= A-B+C
This value of D, I desire to have as a trending graph as A,B & C are available as trend KPIs in dataminer.
Many thanks @Miguel, do you have any working example(s) as to the calculation being plugged into the (KPIs’) connector?