I have installed DataMiner on my laptop and wondering there are automated way of installing the product as VM or cloud instance?
No there is not.
You do have the option to run the installer unattended.

Please see the comments on similar question.
question -> docker-dma-image
Meanwhile I gave it a try, creating a docker image and bump into the following error:
NAVIGATION —go to licensing—.
LICENSING — DataMinerInstallerV2.Steps.License.LicenseResult.
LICENSING — Failed. —.
Which might mean a new ISO unattended is needed for docker images?!?
But as Jan Staelens stated the biggest challenge is versioning and license.
Meaning, DMA licensing based on MAC address and unattended installation where the XML configuration expects user to know the IP in advance, makes all the setup quite tricky to play with docker or later on replicate and manage the deployments.
Also scaling (horizontally) DMS would need to be automated to bring extra value for such deployment proposition, among other aspects.
Found this post too – not for the laptop part, but about the cloud side:
DM built on DC2 nodes in AWS:
Hi Sri, I believe there is an option to build a custom AMI under this section - but it would be at AWS admin level. Perhaps something can be saved with just the OS and management and polling NICs, and the DMA software to perform the build:
Theoretically, SL could build one that is available as a 3rd party option in AWS Marketplace or the community - however for a "built-DMA" AMI,some considerations may be needed with the licensing team (e.g. to allow the DMA to start when using the AMI on a different instance).
Thanks Ive, is there a plan for such deployments in the future?