When opening the "Update Center", "Protocols" tab, I can see for some items that there is a "Help update" available. If I install that then I'm not able to see that help: right-clicking the protocol name under "Protocols & Templates" shows that "Help" is still disabled. (note that Help for that protocol was also not present before, so it's not replacing an existing item)
Reopening the Cube client and restarting DataMiner has no effect.
I can see that there's a file added to C:\Skyline DataMiner\Protocols\<ProtocolName>\Help\index.htm so the help content is present.
The help is accessible when installing a new protocol through the catalog and the index.htm content seems similar so I'm wondering if there's some configuration missing (e.g. on IIS?) when using the update center?
Tested version is DataMiner
Hi Laurens,
Could it be that your protocol does not have a production version?
This is needed in order to have the link to the Help work.
Why? The Help activation flag on a protocol is set on protocol layer, while the Help support is set on protocol version layer.
Therefore, Cube is checking on the "HasHelp" property of the production version of the protocol, which is normally the most /relevant/used/common one for that protocol at that time.

The protocol installed through the catalog is the only version and has no production version, but it is displaying the link to the help.
The protocol that updated through the update center is also the only version and has a production version set to it but is not displaying the link to the help.
Does the protocol needs to be signed before the link to the help will be enabled because that is the only difference that I can see between both?

Root cause was found: HasHelp was indeed still set to false and this is because the value is read out from the cache, which is not refreshed when updating the help. A workaround is to make a small change to the protocol and save it so the cache gets refreshed. Created task 179722 to have the cache refreshed when updating the help
additional info in form of a use-case:
version 1 does not have a helppage, version 2 has a helppage, version 3 has a helppage. version 2 is marked a sproduction, version 1 is not used anymore in the system, version 3 is beta/staging version.
When a user wants to see the help of that protocol, then the Help will be shown of version 2.