From time to time, when connected to different DataMiner's, I cannot find the SLManagedScripting.txt log in the logging folder.
If this log is not created by default, which are the conditions to get created?
Hey Luís,
The SLManagedScripting.txt file gets created as soon as it is needed. This happens when a QAction in a protocol needs to log something. This can happen by either by calling protocol.log() or one of the protocol extension methods needing to log something.

Indeed, I was mistaken with the protocol.log, it will log more than just the connectivityInterface stuff. I do not know all the lines that can end up there, but in general it should be created when the c# part of SLScripting needs to log something

I raised the question because I’m investigating a SLProtocol disappearance and I expected this log was there.
That would seem strange as protocol.Log results in lines being written in the logging of the element itself or in the SLErrorsInProtocol logfile. Logging in the SLManagedScripting.txt seems to be more related to errors happening with the ConnectivityInterface